Housing Development
Completed and Current Housing Projects

Project Rehab
Project Rehab included purchasing single-family houses primarily in the Clinton Court neighborhood of Findlay that were vacant and needed major renovation work. Our contractors - area high school students and volunteers - did all repair work. Upon completion, we sold the properties to income qualifying residents - sometimes with a lease/purchase agreement. This project began in 1986 utilizing a local foundation grant and was expanded in 1987 and 1989 with two CDC Nonprofit Housing grants. Through 1999, we had rehabbed and resold 13 units.
Expanded Project Rehab was a two-year project directed at slightly higher income families in several targeted neighborhoods in Findlay. We received funding to do complete lead hazard abatement services on each house, and we resold them to income-qualifying families (65% of median) by offering a forgivable $16,560 credit. We received an ODOD NPHDP housing grant in 1996 to complete five properties.

Wyandot County Board of Developmental Disabilities
HHWP CAC contracts with the Wyandot County Board of Developmental Disabilities to manage residential properties in Upper Sandusky. This contract began in 1995 with two houses, and we have applied for and received some supplemental Ohio MRDD funds to complete some renovations to both units. In 2006, we obtained an ODMRDD Capital Grant to purchase a third house, which was completed in August ‘06. In late 2011, we constructed a fourth, handicapped accessible home in Upper Sandusky.

Hancock County Corporation for Independent Living (HCCIL)
From September 1997 through March 1999, HHWP CAC contracted with the Hancock County Corporation for Independent Living (HCCIL) to manage their handicap accessible duplex in Findlay. We also served as HCCIL’s fiscal agent and were successful in obtaining local CDBG funding to purchase and renovate this duplex for handicap accessibility. We turned over these management functions to the Hancock Metropolitan Housing Authority in 1999.
The City of Findlay and the County Commissioners contracted with us to provide Fair Housing Services in Hancock and Wyandot Counties from 1985 until September, 1999. We provided educational and complaint conciliation services to all residents.
HHWP CAC owned several properties near the main office building and provided two units of low-rent housing. We served as the property manager for these units and obtained CHIP and other funds to rehabilitate these units. However, recent floods along the river have rendered these homes unlivable; and they were scheduled for demolition.
Utilizing Ohio Office of Housing and Community Partnerships/HDAP and Ohio Housing Finance Agency funding, we completed construction of 10 new single-family houses in Findlay. These houses were sold at the appraised values (approx. $99,000), but each family only had to obtain a mortgage that was affordable for them. That was determined by an ODOD formula of 30% of income to be applied to all housing costs, including utilities, taxes, and insurance. The balance was their mortgage payment for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage at 5.375% from KeyBank. The families covered the closing costs on the mortgage, but the normal down payment requirements were covered by the ODOD subsidy. On average, these families paid about 50% of the cost of these homes. We completed and sold all 10 homes in 1999. The CAC will be responsible for handling any property transfers during the first 20 years to other eligible families. Through 2007, only one property has been resold to another eligible family.

Krystal Ridge Accessible Housing
Krystal Ridge Accessible Housing is an 8-unit HUD Section 811 project for very low-income disabled persons. All units were designed to be barrier-free with subsidized rents and were funded by an Ohio Department of Development/HDAP grant. Constructed in 2001 in Findlay, all units are currently rented. HHWP CAC continues to manage these 8 apartments.

Ohio Housing Trust Fund (OHTF)
HHWP CAC has received competitive grants from the Ohio Housing Trust Fund (OHTF) for emergency homeless prevention (rent and utility assistance) and for some emergency home repairs. We issued 8 grants of up to $5,000 for qualifying homeowners for necessary health and safety repairs to houses in 2002. Recent grants only included rent/utility vouchers.

Hancock Co. CHIP
A 3-house new construction project utilizing Hancock Co. CHIP funds consisted of single-family homes with additional energy efficiency and Universal Design features was completed and sold in 2008.
A 23 homeowner Emergency Home Repair project in Hancock County utilizing CHIP funds allowed for maximum homeowner grants of $8,000. The project was completed in 2008.
We are also the nonprofit sponsor of the following low-income apartment units:

Glenwood Village
A 72-unit apartment complex in Findlay, constructed in 1995, using the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program and $200,000 in ODOD grant funds.

Wellington Place Apartments
A 42-unit project in Ottawa, utilizing the LIHTC program and a $600,000 grant from ODOD, completed in 2003.

Nantucket Greene Apartments
A 40-unit project in Upper Sandusky, utilizing the LIHTC program and a $600,000 grant from ODOD, completed in 2003.

New Lima Homes
A 60-unit LIHTC project in Lima, consisting of 4-bedroom, single-family homes for lease/purchase, completed by mid-2006.

(formerly known as Westown Apartments)
Meadow Glen Apartments
A 50-unit LIHTC apartment rehabilitation project in Carey, completed in late 2006.

Autumn Run
A 50-unit LIHTC apartment complex in Millersburg, Ohio, completed in 2012.

Wesley Yard
Wesley Yard, a 50-unit single-family home LIHTC project in Crestline, Ohio, featuring 15-year lease-purchases in 2009.

Forest Edge
Forest Edge, a 36-unit single-family home LIHTC project in Rawson, Ohio, featuring 15-year lease-purchases in 2010.
HHWP CAC does not rent these apartments. Please contact apartment complexes directly for any rental application information.